Monday, 19 September 2011

Narnia and Skittles

I love skittles. I really do. I get these random cravings for skittles occasionally, and although I usually can't be bothered finding them, if I do, I eat the whole packet. In fact, I'm doing it know.

Even though I know how unhealthy it probably is to eat an entire packet of skittles, I still eat the whole thing. By the end of the packet, I feel faintly sick, and I never want to eat skittles again. Then a few weeks later, I get the craving again, and I get the skittles, I eat them all and I never want to eat skittles again.

You know when you eat a whole bunch of skittles, and they just turn into a clump in your mouth? It turns out that when you taste the rainbow, it just turns kind of brown, and hard to eat.

I also love the Narnia battle music. It just makes everything more... epic. Even though I'm just studying genetics for my exam, or writing an english essay, or even just playing minesweeper or something, it just makes it epic.

I've been listening to it for the last hour.

Doo do do doooo do do DO DO DO DO DOOOOOO <-- in case you didn't get that, it was me singing the most epic part of the song.

If anybody is actually reading this, and they don't know what I'm refering to by the Narnia Battle Music, it's on youtube. Just youtube (I almost said 'google, but it's not on google, thus foiling my plan) 'Narnia Battle Music'. Or you could just look at this link to the Narnia Battle Music. That would work too.

I'm going to blame the vast majority of this blog post on the sugar in all of those skittles I ate. It's not making a lot of sense to me, and I'm not sure how my brain is actually functioning right now. I'm confusing myself.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

My Ranting About Tumblr Rantings

I have a confession to make: I read my sister's Tumblr. She doesn't know I do. 

Sometimes I think of it as almost like reading her diary. It's not like she makes it hard though - nobody else in our family uses Tumblr, so she never logs out. I just need to type in and it comes up, and I can read everything. Actually, my computer history remembers it, so I just need to type the first three letters of her name. I'm not actually going to put her Tumblr address though - that seems like too much of an invasion of privacy.

The thing is, she posts such horrible things about us. If you believe her Tumblr, my parents are horrible abusive slavemasters intent on making her life miserable and making her work as hard as possible. I vary between being awesome when I've done something she likes and being a bitch like my mum.

It's not true though. My parents are actually awesome, and the two of us hardly have to do anything, especially compared to some people. The horrible things that she gets asked to do all the time are things like getting rid of her washing (the washing that my mum has just washed, dried and often sorted for her), doing either the washing up or the drying up (usually the drying - I'm not going to wait for her to wash so that I can do the drying) or cooking dinner occasionally. We also try and get her off Facebook (where she has about 300 friends, about 20 of which she actually wants to see), and off Tumblr, where she spends every possible minute of every day, and try and get to to do homework. You know? That stuff that contributes to school? And can affect your grades, and through that, the rest of your life?

She only gets yelled at when she refuses to do these things, after she's been asked several times, and usually several hours after she was first asked. But according to her Tumblr, we 'yell at [her] all the time'.

She constantly blows stuff out of proportion and only gives one side of the story - 'I have to have dinner ready by 6.30, when my sister doesn't have any limit' - probably because I babysit on the nights that she cooks, and I need dinner before I leave. Adding to that, I  didn;t get home till about 6.30 on the night that I cook, and if we didn't limit her, she would stay on Tumblr and Facebook for hours and we wouldn't eat till about 9. Or 'my mum and sister just yelled at me and told me that the band sucks because of me', when we actually told her in a rather calm voice that she can't complain about the band being no good because she never turns up.

It's not just stuff about us. We have a family friend (who admittedly irritates me too) who gets bitched about on a regular basis. She complains about the irritating people at school, and how she hates them all.

 Her friends believe her though. One of her best friends, whom I quite like, has Tumblr too. After the the one about how we yell at her all the time, he said 'yeah, but your family sucks'. So now all of her friends think that we are all horrible, negative and demanding.

I can't confront her though - she'd know that I read her Tumblr.

Sometimes I think I shouldn't do it - I don't want to have to read these horrible things, but I have to know what she's saying about me. So I just read it and fume in silent anger.

Monday, 5 September 2011

The Most Important Test I'll Ever Do... in the foreseeable furture anyway

So, tomorrow I have a test. A big test. A test that scales everything that I've over the last almost-two years. They take all of our grades and percentages and the scores from the AST, do some complicated maths-y stuff (which has been explained to me twice, and I still don't get it) and give me a score which the universities for which I apply will judge me on.

The Principal talked to us in assembly the other day. He told us that 'the AST doesn't affect your marks'. I think it was trying to be soothing. It doesn't help when you then add 'it just scales your results to determine how much they are worth'.

Well, when I say I have a test, I actually mean I have three tests - two tommorow and one the day after.

I'm not stressed though. I though I would be more stressed, considering how important this test is, but no. I think I've accepted that I can't study or prepare for a general knowledge and logic multiple choice or short answer test, and that I can't practise for an essay based on stimulus material that I won't recieve until I'm sitting in the actual test.

So, to use a cliche (which apparently is good for my writing task), tommorow is the first day of the rest of my life. Or the beginning of my future at university, assuming I can decide what degree I want to do.