I love skittles. I really do. I get these random cravings for skittles occasionally, and although I usually can't be bothered finding them, if I do, I eat the whole packet. In fact, I'm doing it know.
Even though I know how unhealthy it probably is to eat an entire packet of skittles, I still eat the whole thing. By the end of the packet, I feel faintly sick, and I never want to eat skittles again. Then a few weeks later, I get the craving again, and I get the skittles, I eat them all and I never want to eat skittles again.
You know when you eat a whole bunch of skittles, and they just turn into a clump in your mouth? It turns out that when you taste the rainbow, it just turns kind of brown, and hard to eat.
I also love the Narnia battle music. It just makes everything more... epic. Even though I'm just studying genetics for my exam, or writing an english essay, or even just playing minesweeper or something, it just makes it epic.
I've been listening to it for the last hour.
Doo do do doooo do do DO DO DO DO DOOOOOO <-- in case you didn't get that, it was me singing the most epic part of the song.
If anybody is actually reading this, and they don't know what I'm refering to by the Narnia Battle Music, it's on youtube. Just youtube (I almost said 'google, but it's not on google, thus foiling my plan) 'Narnia Battle Music'. Or you could just look at this link to the Narnia Battle Music. That would work too.
I'm going to blame the vast majority of this blog post on the sugar in all of those skittles I ate. It's not making a lot of sense to me, and I'm not sure how my brain is actually functioning right now. I'm confusing myself.
Haha! The same thing happens with me and skittles. :D